Together at Christmas

Leave your message for the crew, who will be on the roads and in the skies above you, this Christmas. Your kind words will be shared so you can be with the crew during every shift this festive season.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas from everyone at EAAA.

Share my message

Chris, Jim & Jono

Steve (patient no. 15149)

Wishing you all the best Christmas with special thanks for attending Rose Lane, Norwich in August after I slipped & broke my ankle. You assisted the paramedic & ambulance crew who also attended & helped reset my broken & dislocated foot. I am eternally grateful for all you did for me. Following a period of 12 weeks in a cast & an airboot I’m walking & driving again & on the road to making a full recovery. Never thought my regular quarterly debits to EAAA would end up helping me when I needed it!

Chris, Jim & Jono